Donate today to Cypress House Bakery!

Donate today to Cypress House Bakery!  image




Located in center city Scranton, Cypress House at St. Luke’s, a 501(c)3 status nonprofit, aspires to open Cypress House Bakery. The Bakery will provide formerly incarcerated apprentices a living wage while they develop skills in the baking industry. Using Homeboy Industries of Los Angeles as a prototype, the long-term goal of Cypress House is to develop a viable business run entirely by those re-entering society to rival commercial bakeries in daily production and sales volume.

We have raised more than $300,000
for both the kitchen renovation
and program expenses.

Your gift can help us reach our goal
and impact the
lives of our first class of apprentices.

Please consider making a generous, tax-deductible donation
as together we address the inequalities, prejudices, and attitudes
that sustain systemic injustices against the formerly incarcerated.

We welcome you as a partner in our mission.

Donations by check may be sent to:
Cypress House Bakery
232 Wyoming Ave. Scranton, PA 18503